Journal- 01/21/2025

This is my first class of Advanced Mathematical Stats(MTH-522) taught by Professor Dr. Gary Davis.  Discussed and learned quite a lot of things.

  • I learned how to setup a Work Journal using  a WordPress site.
  • The professor showed us a data which contains police shootings in the United States. Source of the data – The Washington Post
  • I learned how to write a report (Punchline report).
  • I also learned about Activity Theory. In short words, it means connecting a random question that comes to your mind and relating it to an objective.

Examining the data, a lot of questions were raised, some of them are really good.

    1.  Which state has the most amount of shootings
    2. Who, and How does one determine whether the person is ‘mentally ill’ ?
    3. If the person was armed or not. If the person was fleeing the scene?
    4. What can be done with the missing values in the data.
    5. Most of them was armed with a gun. So is there a possibility to find if the gun is licensed?
    6. What is unemployed percentage in the state and can it be linked to the death?


Best Regards,

Sri Krishna Upadhyayula

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