This is my first class of Advanced Mathematical Stats(MTH-522) taught by Professor Dr. Gary Davis. Discussed and learned quite a lot of things.
- I learned how to setup a Work Journal using a WordPress site.
- The professor showed us a data which contains police shootings in the United States. Source of the data – The Washington Post
- I learned how to write a report (Punchline report).
- I also learned about Activity Theory. In short words, it means connecting a random question that comes to your mind and relating it to an objective.
Examining the data, a lot of questions were raised, some of them are really good.
- Which state has the most amount of shootings
- Who, and How does one determine whether the person is ‘mentally ill’ ?
- If the person was armed or not. If the person was fleeing the scene?
- What can be done with the missing values in the data.
- Most of them was armed with a gun. So is there a possibility to find if the gun is licensed?
- What is unemployed percentage in the state and can it be linked to the death?
Best Regards,
Sri Krishna Upadhyayula